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I share here some links to other websites where you may find more information on Meccano and other constructional toys.

An amazing site is Here are notes on parts, restoration, and many other topics,  extensive forum discussions, and a gallery of photos (over 50,000 photos!!). I visit this site daily.

While it is not a club or society, Tony Knowles in England publishes the Other Systems Newsletter. "Other Systems" refers to metal construction systems other than Meccano. He has included US Meccano as an "other system" because of the differences from Liverpool production. Incidentally, there are now over 40 US systems and 500 systems known worldwide!! You will see my name mentioned on occasion associated with some of the other US systems, as well as US Meccano, in the Newsletter.

David Williams has a site with lots of information about Meccano; I have found much of this very useful. He also has an extensive list of links, so you can find nearly anything Meccano through his site.

The New Zealand Federation of Meccano Modelers (NZFMM) has a website with lots of pictures of Meccano, both sets and models.

I am a member of the following organizations. They both publish (hard copy) newsletters, and I list the associated websites:

The A. C. Gilbert Heritage Society is mainly concerned with Erector and other Gilbert products, but Gilbert did own Meccano in the United States from about 1929 (do you know the actual date? PLEASE let me know!) through the Second World War.

The Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano and Allied Systems (CMAMAS) is, as the name implies, mainly Canadian, but there are several of us in the US they have let in (smile). Meccano is MUCH more common there than in the US. This organization has more of an emphasis on model building than the US organizations.

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