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1910 No. 6 Meccano Outfit


The oldest outfit shown here is from 1910, and is courtesy John Case of Washington State. It is a nearly unused outfit in outstanding condition.

1910 No. 6 Meccano OutfitHere is a view of the top layer. The clear covering over the brassware (wheels and gears) and the lids of the nut and bolt boxes are all glass - can you imagine a child's toy made that way today? The brassware is supported on a metal plate, in this example with a bright shiny plating with a mirror-like finish. The top of the box is made of solid wood, with boards "bound" on each end by narrow boards.

1910 No. 6 Meccano OutfitHere is a better view of the brassware. Note the reflection of the label in the polished metal plate under the wheels and gears. The white strip is a slip of paper apparently attached to early outfits sold in the US. In this instance, it would have been glued to one of the divider strips in the box, but it has come loose (and fortunately not lost!). It reads "PATENTED IN UNITED STATES 16th JANUARY 1906." Also note the curved cut-out in the divider, so that the lid covering the wheels and gears can be lifted up.

1910 No. 6 Meccano OutfitA close-up view of the small parts box (with the glass lid removed), and the balls of string. Hanks of string were also included; they are visible at the right of the overall view of the top layer, above. At the right of this view are the angle pieces, still wired together; and at the left, the brass nuts and turned brass bolts in their glass-topped box.

1910 No. 6 Meccano OutfitHere is the bottom layer of the 1910 No. 6 outfit. Notice the ornate handle - it looks like something from a piece of furniture. The dividers in the bottom are designed to fit the parts nicely. The small patch of green is the felt on the bottom of the box.

1910 No. 6 Meccano OutfitA close-up view of the wired and wrapped strips in the lower layer of the outfit. The small writing on either side of the "MECCANO" reads TRADE and MARK.
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